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ChemicalTechnology Programme was established in 1996 with the support of the World Bank. Education of program continues within Ege Vocational School in the Ege University campus. In ChemicalTechnology Programme, the education is provided to train qualified technical personnel to the chemical processing sector. In the same time, one of the main aims of program, the best way is to prepare the students to today’s working conditions. In the program syllabus and course contents continuously is updated according to the needs of the industry. The Chemical Thechnology Program is an associate degree program which given training qualified personnel. In 1996 second education was established

Profile of The Programme

The program's student quota is 40. The majority of students creates vocational schools from chemistry department in the program. Theoretical and practical courses of program are made in the Ege Vocational School. Facilities of the laboratory of the program are common with the other chemistry programs. The education of program is formal education. The teaching staffs who giving the course in the program comes from the Ege Vocational School and industry.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples

Graduates of the program can be employed in public and private sectors. Public Personnel Selection Examination (PPSE) score must be 70 at least to work in the public sector. After that, they can be placed to the units that the state needed. If the PPSE score larger than 85–90, it is getting advantage for placement to the graduates. Graduates can work as "responsible manager" in the private sector. Graduates have authorized to sign in the chemistry enterprises smaller than 60 HP machine power as responsible manager. They can be responsible manager on maximum two enterprise. Also, graduates can work in the chemistry companies have bigger than 60 HP machine power. However, in this case they have authorized to sign only in the company. The program graduates's employment areas; chemistry processing factories, refineries, petrochemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, laboratories of analysis, quality control, research and development in all chemical industrial companies


Ege Üniversitesi