Çerez Örnek

About Us


Our program started formal education in the 1997-1998 in the framework of the university-Industry cooperation protocol between Akzo - Nobel Automotive Kemipol and Copper and Ege University. This program is the first associate degree program in Turkey. Evening education has been started in 2003.

Profile of The Programme

This program provides a two-year associate degree training based on mainly theoretical and practice education. In particular, technical staff are trained to take the task mainly in the automotive services, as a service and damage advicer and damag expert in insurance companies.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples

The students trained according to the existing training program including compulsory and elective courses they can take the task all the areas of automotive services, as a damage specialist and expert in insurance companies. In addition, eight students are currently working in the field of painting aircraft at the airports.


Ege Üniversitesi