Çerez Örnek

About Us


Electric Program was established in the frame of II. World Bank Project in 1992-1993 education year and is unique program because of learning possibilities in Turkey. There are enough possibilities to have most of electrical and electronic experiments and applications done. Instructors in Electric Program had also education abroad in the frame of I. and II. World Bank Projects .

Profile of The Programme

The educational practices are carried on both theoretically and practically and accomplished within four semesters. The intermediate technical staffs are trained to appoint from production to using of electricity in workshop and laboratory departments of small, medium and large scale several electrical plants. 40 undergraduates from high schools and vocational high schools are registered to the program every year.

Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples

Students graduated from Electrical Program have ability to work any private and public establishment. Our students qualified enough to work in any kind of factories.


Ege Üniversitesi